Parts of microsoft word 2016 and their functions free download. Word Options (Advanced)

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Parts of microsoft word 2016 and their functions free download. Word 2016: Getting Started with Word 



Word Getting Started with Word - Post navigation


The Ribbon is the strip of buttons and icons located above the /10445.txt area in Word The Ribbon replaces the menus and toolbars found in earlier versions of Word. Each ribbon contains groups of command buttons with common purpose. Each ribbon contains 7 tabs. Click the Office Button to find a drop down menu containing options, such as: open, save, and print. Fo can easily set tab stops by parts of microsoft word 2016 and their functions free download on downloav desired position on the ruler.

This buttonallows you to determine which type of tab will be set left alignedright alignedcenter aligned or decimal tab. Clicking on this button will allow you to change the tab style. This row parts of microsoft word 2016 and their functions free download be customized by right-clicking and selecting desired options. These four buttons allow you to change the way you view your document on the screen. From left to right they are: print layout, full screen reading, web layout and draft.

At the top of the vertical scroll bar parts of microsoft word 2016 and their functions free download a new button. Just перейти the double arrow is a tiny button that looks like nad minus sign that lets you split your screen in two when double-clicked.

Prats it a second time will unsplit your screen. Allows you to view entire workbook by moving it up, down vertical scroll barleft or right horizontal scroll bar. Slide this посмотреть еще to подробнее на этой странице left of the margin to limit the right side of a paragraph to that point. Move the triangle to the right of the margin to allow the right side of the paragraph to extend beyond the margin.

The triangle at the margin will keep the right side of the paragraph with the margin. Command buttons with a common purpose are clustered together.

Each ribbon contains several groups. Some groups, but not all, contain a quick launch bar dialogue box launcher in the bottom right hand microosoft. Parts of microsoft word 2016 and their functions free download is functons arrow in the bottom right hand corner of some groups.

This customizable toolbar allows you to add frequently used commands. The ribbon ;arts broken down into mirosoft tabs. Each tab has a common purpose and consists of several groups. To select a tab, simply click on it and the appropriate groups will be displayed.

This triangle controls where the first line of a paragraph begins. Moved to the left of the margin, will pqrts the first paragraph to be in the left functiojs. Can be moved qord the right of the margin to indent your paragraph. The opposite of a first line indent. It is often moved to the right of the first line indent, which allows the remaining lines of functiions paragraph to be indented according to placement of the triangle.

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Date: December 9, Author: Comp 0 Comments. Ribbon The Ribbon is the strip of buttons and icons located above the work area in Word Office Button Click the Office Button to find a drop down menu containing options, such as: open, save, and print. Rulers Gives you an idea of where you are on the нажмите чтобы прочитать больше Tab Selector Button You can easily set tab partss by clicking on the desired position on the ruler.

Status Нада parallels desktop 11 free download ваш This row can be customized by right-clicking and selecting desired options. View Shortcuts These four buttons allow you to change the way you view your document on the screen. Task Bar Shows open programs. Screen Split Button At the top of the vertical scroll microspft is a new button. Scroll Bars Allows you to view entire workbook by moving it up, down vertical scroll barleft or right horizontal scroll bar.

Right Indent Slide this triangle to the left of the margin to limit the right side of a paragraph to that point. Group Command buttons with a common purpose are clustered together. Title Bar Shows name of program and open document. Also contains minimize, maximize and close buttons. Quick Access Toolbar This customizable toolbar allows you to add frequently used commands. Tab The ribbon is broken down into 7 tabs.

First Line Indent Перейти на страницу triangle controls where the first line of a paragraph begins. Qnd Indent The opposite of a first line jicrosoft. Share this: Twitter Facebook. Like this: Like Parts of microsoft word 2016 and their functions free download Previous Previous post: Microsoft Access. Next Next post: Microsoft Word. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:.

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Word Options (Advanced) - Microsoft Support - Word Documents


Нажмите чтобы перейти Word is a word processing application that allows you to create a variety of documentsincluding letters, resumes, and more. In this lesson, you'll learn how to navigate the Word interface and become familiar with parts of microsoft word 2016 and their functions free download of its most important features, such as the RibbonQuick Access Toolbarand Backstage view.

Word is similar to Word and Word If you've previously used either version, then Word should feel familiar. But if you are new to Word or have more experience with older versions, you should first take some time to become familiar with the Word interface.

When you open Увидеть больше for the first time, the Start Screen will appear. From here, you'll be able to create a new documentchoose a templateand access your recently edited documents. From the Start Screenlocate and select Blank document to access приведу ссылку Word interface.

Click the buttons in the interactive below to learn more about the Word interface:. From here, you can access your Microsoft account information, view your profile, and switch accounts. The Tell me bar allows you to search for commands, which is especially helpful if you don't remember where to find a specific command. Each group contains a series of different commands. Simply click any command to apply it. Some groups also have an arrow in the bottom-right corner, which you can click to parts of microsoft word 2016 and their functions free download even more commands.

The Quick Access Toolbar lets you access common commands no matter which tab is selected. By default, it includes the SaveUndoand Redo commands. The Ruler is located at the top and to the left of your document. It makes it easier to make alignment and spacing adjustments. Click and drag the vertical scroll bar to move up and down through the pages of your document.

Click and drag the slider to use the zoom control. The number to the right of the slider жмите сюда reflects the zoom percentage. There are three ways to view a document: Read Mode displays your document in full-screen mode. Print Layout is selected by default. It shows the document as it would appear on the printed page. Web Layout shows how your document would look as a webpage. The Ribbon contains all of the commands you will need to perform common tasks in Word. It has multiple tabseach with several groups of commands.

From here, you can quickly see the number of words and pages in parts of microsoft word 2016 and their functions free download document. Like other recent versions, Word continues to use features like the Ribbon and the Quick Access Toolbar —where you will find commands to perform common tasks in Word—as well as Backstage view. Word uses a tabbed Ribbon system instead of traditional menus. The Ribbon contains multiple tabswhich you can find near the top of the Word window. Each tab contains several groups of related commands.

For нажмите чтобы узнать больше, the Font group on the Home tab contains commands for formatting text in your document. Some groups also have a small arrow in the bottom-right corner that you can click for even more options. If you find that the Ribbon takes up too much screen space, you can hide it.

To do this, click the Ribbon Display Options arrow in the upper-right corner of the Ribbon, then select the desired option from the drop-down menu:. To learn how to add custom tabs and commands to the Ribbon, review our Extra on Customizing the Ribbon. If you're having trouble finding command you want, the Tell Me feature can help.

It works just like a regular search bar: Type what you're looking for, and a list of options will appear. You can then use the command directly from the menu without having to find it on the Ribbon. Located just above the Ribbon, the Quick Access Toolbar lets you access common commands no matter which tab is selected. By default, it shows the SaveUndoand Redo commands, but you can add other commands depending on your needs.

The R uler is located at the top and to the left of your ссылка на продолжение. It makes it easier to adjust your document with precision. If you want, you can hide the Ruler to create more screen space. Backstage view gives you various options for saving, opening a file, printing, and sharing your document. To access Backstage view, click the File tab on the Ribbon. Click the buttons in the нажмите чтобы прочитать больше below to learn more about using Backstage view.

From the Print pane, you can change the print settings and print your document. You can also see a preview of your document. You can use the arrow to close Backstage view and return to Word. From the Account pane, you can access your Microsoft account information, modify your theme and background, and sign out of your account.

Here, you can change various Word options. For example, you can control the spelling and grammar check settings, AutoRecover settings, and language preferences. The information по этому адресу will appear whenever you access Backstage view. It contains download pixelmator free filters download on the current document.

You can also inspect the document to remove personal info and protect it to keep others from making further changes. From here, you can create a new blank documentor you can choose from a large selection of templates. Word has a variety of viewing options that change how your document is displayed. These views can be useful for various tasks, especially if you're planning to print the document. You can also zoom in and out to make your document easier to read.

Parts of microsoft word 2016 and their functions free download between different document views is easy. Just locate and select the desired document view command in the bottom-right corner of the Word window. To zoom in or out, click and drag the zoom control slider in the bottom-right corner of parts of microsoft word 2016 and their functions free download Word window.

The number next to the slider displays the current zoom /5694.txtalso called the zoom level. Word Getting Started with Word. Microsoft Account From here, you can access your Microsoft account information, view your profile, and switch accounts. Tell Me The Tell me bar allows you to search for commands, /47014.txt is especially helpful if you don't remember where to find a specific command.

Command Group Each group contains a series of different commands. The Parts of microsoft word 2016 and their functions free download The Ruler is located at the top and to the left of your document. Scroll Bar Click and drag the vertical scroll bar to move up and down through the pages of your document. Zoom Control Click and drag the slider to use the zoom control.

Document Views There are three ways to view a document: Read Mode displays your document in full-screen mode. The Ribbon The Ribbon contains all of the commands you will need to perform common tasks in Word. Document Pane This is where you'll type and edit text in the document. Page and Word Count From here, you can quickly see the number of words and приведу ссылку in your document.

Open From here, you can open documents saved to your computer or to your OneDrive. Print From the Print pane, you can change the print settings and print your document.

Close Click here parts of microsoft word 2016 and their functions free download close the current document. Share From here, you can invite people to view and collaborate on your document. Return to Word You can use the arrow to close Backstage view and return to Word. Account From the Account pane, you can access your Microsoft account information, modify your theme and background, and sign out of your account. Options Here, you can change various Word options. Info The information pane will appear whenever you access Backstage view.

New From here, you can create a new blank documentor you can choose from a large selection of templates. Next: Understanding OneDrive.

